Ashley Greenman, MPA
Editor • Copywriter • Researcher
Strategic Communications Consultant
Editing & Writing Experience
When your earliest memories of learning how to read include hearing your mom delightedly celebrate the discovery of a typo in published words, you learn two things very quickly:
1. Armchair critics will read your words.
2. Good editors should read your words first.
I have been editing for nearly as long as I have been reading. Let's just say I was that student who proudly pointed out spelling and grammatical errors to my third grade teacher. My scattered memories of high school include late nights in the publications office: editing every Oxford comma and em dash into place while writing important agreements between subjects and verbs.
As an editor, I value the central message of your work while equipping you, as a writer, to convey that message clearly and cogently.
That friend who would read your college essay or cover letter for your dream job... that's me. I worked in the writing lab in college where I quickly became a sought-after "friend" when the lab was closed. I have helped numerous students improve their academic essays, theses, and résumés. Therefore, I have been unofficially freelancing for more than 20 years.
As a writer, I thrive in the realm of possibility where words bring power to a blank page.
I have written copy for websites, newsletters, annual fundraising appeals, advertising campaigns, blogs, and more. I have 15 years of experience writing for mission-driven nonprofits, faith-based organizations, nascent programs, and start-up businesses.
Professional Background
I hold a Master's in Public Administration and an advanced graduate certificate in nonprofit management. I have held various strategic communications roles in local, regional, and national nonprofit organizations. My undergraduate degree is in international business and economics.
Nonprofit communication is my area of professional expertise -- whether marketing, public relations, or donor/community engagement.
Throughout my communications career, major content areas have included:
senior health, wellness, and housing
disease-related scientific research
volunteer-driven community service projects
advocacy to end violence against women and children
economic policies and initiatives to reduce poverty
educational programs and community-based learning
refugee services
faith-based programs
public policy and governance of land use
health policies affecting older adults and individuals with chronic disease
Popular projects include:
annual reports
fundraising campaigns
special event marketing
Academic Areas & Specialties
My academic research areas include systems theory, implementation science, economic analysis, program implementation in educational settings, economic policy, education policy, microfinance and development economics, and anthropological perspectives on culture and society.
I have provided academic copyediting services for students at every collegiate level: undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral. I am most familiar with academic studies related to social sciences, business administration, economics, public administration, public policy, and educational administration. However, I am able to edit writing from any discipline.
Examples of client research areas have included:
anthropology and cultural studies
social work in adoption and foster care
race in higher education
sociological study of the mortgage crisis
employee skills in afterschool programs
English language learners have commented that my patient guidance has helped them to better express themselves. I couple editing for non-native English writers with my experience as a TEFL certified teacher of English to speakers of other languages. The resulting service is a holistic coaching experience for students and business professionals whose first language is not English.