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Housing Navigation Services

Everyone deserves a place to call home. We've got the team to guide you there.

A Path to Your Home

For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the choice of where to live and with whom has often been made for them. Those who seek a place of their own encounter numerous barriers along the way.


With the support of an experienced Housing Navigator, you'll have the support you need for overcoming the challenges of finding a place to call home.


Our individualized housing navigation service combines expertise in housing options, supports and services, and funding opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We provide consultation services for those interested in developing a housing plan and pursuing the goal of having their own place. Whether the goal is an affordable one-bedroom apartment or a shared living arrangement with pooled resources, we can shine a light on the process to navigate through the barriers and reach the goal of having a place to call home.


Click here to learn more about our lead housing navigator.


what people are saying about our housing navigation services 

Shadow on Concrete Wall

Seth helped my client fully utilize funding and resources available. He also maintains professional and honest communications.

- Kym Pettitt, Independent Support Broker

Shadow on Concrete Wall

Seth's service as a housing navigator propelled my client to move into a non-certified apartment much sooner than anticipated. His training and experience as a housing navigator led the team in planning all aspects for living independently so that when the time came for the participant to secure an apartment and move (in 2 months time), there was little left to do and the participant successfully moved into his new apartment. 

Shadow on Concrete Wall

I felt that you were the eyes and ears of what needed to be done that I may have been unaware of. My son is in an AMAZING apartment that is better than the one he had.

- Nancy Stabins

- Irene Bayer, Independent Support Broker

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